Monday 10 October 2011

NIKE Essay Reflection

In terms of the general idea that we were suppose to discuss in our essays which cool and in what is the topic we chose is cool, I think I stayed on track and developed the idea of why was NIKE cool supported by many examples. I think that the presence of the theme of cool is clearly present all along my essay.

In terms of the organization, I think my essay was pretty structured and clear. There was an evident separation of the paragraphs, we knew where each started and ended. I feel like I followed the proper essay format with an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion and I also feel like I followed the body paragraph format with a hook, a statement, an example and a conclusion but I feel like I could have written a way better introduction to my essay, more structured and following more the format of a proper and formal introduction.

I believe that my paper would have been better and more efficient if I developed my ideas and also I used a more sophisticated language by increasing my vocabulary first but apart form that I think my grammar and spelling throughout my essay are fine. I think my example were sufficient and relevant. Overall I think that I could have done much better in writing first just by writing more paragraphs and second doing all the other things I listed above.

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