Friday 2 September 2011

5 Paragraph Essay

Question: How do I rebel if the corporate world owns everything I think is cool?

Nowadays, 10% of the population in the United States are teenagers who represent a 150 billion $ dream for the World Corporate that’s why we say that “teenagers run today’s economy”. The World Corporate controls everything; it controls the two most important things the media and the fashion and it was able to realize that using market research with the goal of giving the audience what he wants but also find away to sell him what they have. 75% of the teenagers have a T.V in their room so they are influenced in their choices and controlled by the World Corporate all the time. How do I rebel if the corporate world owns everything I think is cool?
I think that today, rebelling against the fact that the corporate world owns everything I think is cool would have no purpose and wouldn’t make any sense. That is because the corporate world is the one telling us what is cool and what’s not, it is the one influencing or even controlling our choices in everyday life like what to wear to look cool, what to listen to be cool so, it’s the one defining cool so in one way if I rebel against the fact that the world corporate owns everything I thing is cool that decision would have been influenced by the corporate world.
The second reason why I think that rebelling against the fact that the World Corporate owns everything I think is cool is useless and purposeless is that even if I rebel by wearing different clothes than the one considered as cool and having a different hair style than the one considered as cool would be automatically filmed by the media corporation and resold to me on T.V. So even there the world corporate controls everything; it will let you think that you decided to rebel but truthfully, the characters created by the world corporate influenced your choice like the mook or the midrift, two characters representing rebellion in one sense. The mook is not a real character, he is rude, loud and obnoxious and the midrift is a person consumed by her appearance and this too characters created by the media corporation have for only purpose to push people to act like them and make them think that they are actually rebelling against the world corporation but they are actually following it.
The third reason I think that rebelling against the fact that the World Corporate owns everything I think is cool is that the only reason you want to rebel is to look cool and who tells you that, the world corporate tells you that. So if you want to rebel against the world corporate because you want to look cool, actually it is the world corporate that is pushing to rebel because it is the one telling you that rebellion is cool and who defines cool, the world corporate does. So rebelling against the fact that the World Corporate owns everything I think is cool which is for me fashion and music, the two most important things for me, is pointless and so the best way to rebel is not to rebel. Teenagers represent the majority of the World Corporate’s money because they just follow everything that they see on T.V and many times the World Corporate is able to create a pop which a concept where a majority is following the same thing; it could be the same fashion, listening to the same type of music or the same artist and this concept generates extraordinary amounts of money for the World Corporate.
In conclusion, the best way to rebel against the fact that the World Corporate owns everything I think is cool is not to rebel because rebelling wouldn’t have been my decision, it would have been influenced by the World Corporate and we have to face it the World Corporate runs the world, it is everywhere and controls everything and we are all its victims.

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