Tuesday 13 September 2011

Toast Final Essay

To toast or not to toast? That is the question. Toast is the second best invention right after the toaster. Well if the toaster wasn’t invented than the toast wouldn’t exist. Toast is the most convenient food: you can it eat at anytime, with anything on it and anyway you want it

Just grab it and eat it! Breakfast, lunch and dinner are the three meals that lead you day but what happens if you are hungry between one of them? The solution is Toast!! Toast can be eaten at any time of the day or night. If you wake up hungry during the night or when you come back home after an exhausting long school day garb a toast. Toast is the most convenient food you can eat at any time; it is easy to make so you don’t need any cooking skills to make toast, it is light so if you eat between it your meals o when you wake up late at night it won’t cut your appetite or your sleep. Whenever you want it or you need it, toast is available, easy to make and it will leave you stomach fool and your lips salivating for more. Toast can be eaten with everything; you choose the topping.

Put anything on it!  Every morning when you wake you think about what you are going to put on your bread, what toping to choose. Guess what? You don’t think about that with toast. Toast can be eaten with any topping. You can put jelly, peanut better, nutella, cheese and even some delicious pork, there is no limit and no impossible combination of condiments with toast; the only limit is your imagination. Toast is the only food that gives us the choice of such of wide variety of condiments and mixes. You can create new mixes, mix salty and sweet condiments together and discover new tastes and you can go totally crazy with the mix of condiments, toast will still be good because toast is basically bread and you can eat bread with everything you want. Whatever you have in your fridge or at your house you can put it on your toast and you can eat anyway you want it : you choose it.

How do you like it? Every time you make toast the only question you ask yourself is how should I make my toast ? It doesn’t matter. Toast can be cooked however you want it. You can have it slightly toasted or medium toasted or burned with any toping on it. Toast is the only food you can eat anyway you want it, it has no limit For example in the morning you like it slightly toasted because your stomach digests easier, in the middle of the day you like it medium toasted and at the end of the day you like it more well toasted because you want to  release all the anger you accumulated during the day by bitting on that toast . Toast is the best food and is the solution for any situation.

What if the toaster wouldn’t have been created, could you imagine a world where toast didn’t exist ? Could you live without toast ? What would you eat instead?

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