Friday 2 March 2012

The Persuaders

In the beginning of the 20 th century, advertising was going through a major crisis. The chapter 5 of the persuaders focuses on the major changes the advertising industry had to make to be able to reach the consumer more efficiently. The advertising industries go through constant changes in order to attempt to reach society. The advertisers and marketing agencies have to change their advertising in regular basis because once the consumer understands and figures out the strategies and the concept being used on him, he won’t fall for them anymore. By creating advertisements, the advertisers penetrate the brains of consumers and always make sure that he is frustrated, the desire of consumers is no longer his, advertisers impose theirs. Through out the history, since its creation,  advertising has been evolving as technology evolved. During the early years of advertising, trademark was created to enable the consumer to distinguish between brands. As the result of the overuse of trademark by the brands, its effect on the audience became less and less effective.  Due to that, image based advertising was created. Image based advertising revolutionized the advertising industry. Through the image ad the compagny is able to communicate the brand value, the public targeted and create an emotional rection on the consumer. Emotion is a powerful weapon used by advertisers because it prevents from thinking rationnaly and logically which means that his decisions will be emotionally based. Nowadays, due to the ammount of media we see in our everyday life, the image is losing its power and effect on the consummer. To change that advertisers and marketing compagnies transformed advertising in to a social science. They conduct demographic study’s and create a consumer profile” with an avatar to represent it. Through that process, advertisers are more likely an emotion reaction from the consumer because they know their traget better. Advertising has now become linked to psychology, the consumers’ preferences and his behvior are being analysed, he is not considered as human anymore but as an experiment subject. Advertisers and mareting also use other tricks to create interest from the consumer, like rethorical question, inverse psychology, sarcasm to make him feel high cool enough for their product.
In conclusion, consumers are being victims of the advertisers and the market companies’ genius because they are using all the things that define a person against him.

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